A Letter of Welcome
Come with us to the ecologies of the city, where the truth of nature and cultures' inseparability is laid bare. This other world is not organized around the tyranny of the clock, and its mechanized goose stepping from past to future.
by Owólabi Aboyade and Bridget Quinn
Asking for Oya's Blessing
Oya came to me in her own time fashioned by her own will-a will to embrace with winds and torrential sashaying gusts of hurry up gal and answer my call. I have heard all the talk about Oyas from folks who either love them or want their lives to be left alone. I have witnessed the blamers who fear the skirt of Oya strutting her quick step across an existence they believed was in good standing-until she came passing judgment. It is as the old saying goes, “what she takes you no longer need.”
By Omo Awo Faniyi (Mawiyah) Bomani
Waawiiyaatanong Resurgence
In what is commonly referred to as Detroit, Anishinaabe math & science knowledge unveils the language and the knowledge of the land here, Waawiiyaatanong, where the land bends with the water. 
by Sacramento Knoxx
Self Portrait as a Garden
In my hair, the fruit from yesterday’s seed,   Eternal golden globes in harvest                  Because of her bravery . . .
by Katelyn Rivas
Our System of Power Values Capital Over Human Lives
Rather than indicting the racist police murder of George Floyd and other black Americans, our leaders are up in arms over protests and property destruction. That’s the twisted logic of U.S. capitalism.
By Eli Day
Over the past decade Detroit went through aggressive gentrification & went on a campaign to remove folks from their homes with fake & double mortgages, mostly through Quicken Loans. . .
by Piper Carter
3666 Warren Avenue E. Detroit, MI 48207
Inside the trees our bones are being frozen until next spring.
By Katelyn Rivas
Nia's Song
When you are ready, how will you soften your heart? These words rolled through my chest as I waited for Nia to arrive. . .
By Aiko Fukuchi
Breaking America’s Law: On Being Suspect
Do you know how the Detroit Police Department was founded? . . .
by Owólabi William Copeland
Challenging Anti-Black Racism
Whiteness is a political ideology which has been sheltered and codified by brutal, dishonest and inhumane systems. It is governed and protected by archaic laws and policies that prioritize property and profits over people. . .
by Tawana Petty
war in the streets; trees; and sub-divisions of america
. . . it’s the same time it’s been for the last 500 years on this continent, an era of unending war . . .
By Owolabi William Copeland and Bridget Quinn
Love Letter to the Living
Photos and Video by Molly Leebove
Self-Portrait as a Both Girl
I am not white. I am somewhere between the ink and the page, the word that is blurred out.
by Katelyn Rivas
What’s Growing?: Regional Plant Allies
Have you ever looked out upon a backyard, park, or field and seen the indiscernible carpet of greenery as just grass or random weeds? Usually, there are all kinds of plants with different traits and growing patterns and numerous uses within those spaces. . .
by Carmen Malis King
Monica Lewis-Patrick Speaks
At the Teach-in at the Algiers Motel, June 8th 2020
Listening to my Mother
Listening to My Mother is an Act of Learning to Love Myself When I learned I was pregnant, I was scared because I was the shape of the moon...
Katelyn Rivas
Resources & Inspiration
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